Friday, August 7, 2009

Hola éste es el principio! (Hello, this is just the beginning!)

Hola family and friends, this is the first official blog for my Chilean trip! With this blog, i hope to keep you informed of my day to day experiences throughout my stay in South America. I'm told i will have weekly access to a computer while there so i plan to leave a message here every so often and maybe even a few pictures!

I'm now in the process of raising money for the trip, waiting for my passport in the mail, getting vaccines (Hepatitis and Malaria and Typhoid oh my!) and booking a flight to La Serena, Chile. Once all these pieces are in place i will post more information about my exact departure date and the like.

I ask that you pray my transition from white middle class suburbia to the Elqui valley will be smooth and more importantly, safe. Thank you for your continued support, and tell your friends about this blog! God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Hola, Christian!! Como estas?? Nosotros estamos muy triste sin tu en nuestra vida cada dia!! Pero, estamos "praying" (oops, Brennie taught me that word but I forgot it :( !!) para ti y estamos seguro que Dio usare (maybe I just made up that word?? "will use") tu en ese pais. Entiendes ;D?? Okay, my dear, I bet you didn't think you'd need your dictionary to read your own blog!! But...I love Spanish and I know you will, too! Jojo and I saw your family at church today, and I saw Nathan and Mikey, but no Brennie and Christian :(!! Everyone misses you guys but we are PRAYING for you and sending you love!! That valley looks gorgeous. How are you feeling?? Do you understand any of what people are saying ;P ?? Are you eating?? Reading?? Spending time in prayer and the Word, I'm sure...I have no doubt you are up for this adventure and task and can't wait to hear an update!! Love and blessings to you...xoxox....Mrs. Peacock ;) <3
