Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Like Clockwork

So much has happened in such a short amount of time. Its strange how much takes place everyday with regards to prayers being answered for my trip. Three days ago I went in to the Long Beach Health Department for for a consultation about traveling abroad. I had a hunch there were some new vaccines I would need before my trip. The physician I talked to was so kind as to save me a return trip to the department; I walked out with 5 little band-aids on my arms and nausea in my stomach. Needless to say i am up to snuff with the physical requirements for traveling abroad and my helper-T's will vouch for that.

My dad also helped me buy travelers insurance and book my flight yesterday. 22 hours from LAX to Lima, Peru to Santiago, Chile to La Serena, Chile (Anna Karenina's going down). Though on the bright side, I am a few hundred dollars away from my monetary goal thanks to you! It goes without saying that if you haven't contributed and would like to, I am still happy to receive anything you have to offer (travelers checks, books, clothes, stationary supplies, a pillow case with your face on it).

Thanks for your constant interest in my trip and I look forward to hearing from a few of you soon. Tell your peeps about this blog. God bless.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Thanks for the encouragement

Ah, its so encouraging to see that so many of my friends are following this blog. I do have a few updates though. Firstly, i now know my departure date, September 14. (less than a month i know!). Talking to one of the team members i'm in contact with, we finalized my plans which are as follows: i will be spending 3 months in Chile (Sep14 through Dec 18), and upon the conclusion of those three months i have the options of either coming back to the states, staying on for another 2-3 months doing an inter-mural program of sorts with the kids during their summer vacation, or traveling to Ecuador to in a similar situation at a local school there.
I still need to raise about 2 thousand dollars if i want to be able to stay any longer than three months, but if its part of the plan, God will provide. Thank you for your prayers and support thus far. Everywhere i go i get a smile and a hug from a person who cares about my life and wants to hear more about my trip. Its the best. Please continue to tell your friends about this blog! God Bless.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Hola éste es el principio! (Hello, this is just the beginning!)

Hola family and friends, this is the first official blog for my Chilean trip! With this blog, i hope to keep you informed of my day to day experiences throughout my stay in South America. I'm told i will have weekly access to a computer while there so i plan to leave a message here every so often and maybe even a few pictures!

I'm now in the process of raising money for the trip, waiting for my passport in the mail, getting vaccines (Hepatitis and Malaria and Typhoid oh my!) and booking a flight to La Serena, Chile. Once all these pieces are in place i will post more information about my exact departure date and the like.

I ask that you pray my transition from white middle class suburbia to the Elqui valley will be smooth and more importantly, safe. Thank you for your continued support, and tell your friends about this blog! God bless.