Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Light in the Midst of the Tunnel

I ended up not going to San Pedro, and i think it was for the best. It would have been over a twenty hour bus ride there and back. And two of my five vacation days would have been spent traveling. Instead, Daniel, Holly, and I went camping in a valley about thirty minutes walk form our town. We brought flashlights (British call them torches) and explored a few hundred yards of the cave close to were we set camp.

Instead of being conic, this cavern is most like a long tunnel with one to three foot of murky water to walk through. At a few point we had to crouch or contort our bodies to get through, but the space was traversable the entire time we explored. We eventually turned back when Holly was fed up with the rat feces and Daniel stepped on something large and squishy which made him suddenly concerned of radon poisoning. A few times on the way back out we turned off our lights and just stood in the darkness. There was no light, just the smell of earth and the sound of water moving over our feet. For those few moments there was so much peace.

At our campsite we could hear the stream that ran into the cave. Holly had the foresight to have us buy some food before we left. Daniel and I just wanted to “wing it”. We bought potatoes, eggs, bread, onions, potatoes, and chicken, all of which cost less than six dollars. We kind of invented some cooking techniques using aluminum plates, hot rocks, and a metal grate. We ended up cooking some very interesting and tasty meals.

The night came so quickly, as it does in the valley. We must have spent two hours and five logs around the campfire telling a collaborative ghost story that still gives me the chills. In my foolishness, I didn’t bring pants because we’ve been having really warm nights. But because it was an unusually cold spring night, and because we were still haunted by our story, and because it hard to sleep when the sky is so bright, we laid awake spotting shooting stars and satellites streaking through southern constellations. It was the first time I had seen the stars begin to disappear as the sky pails into sun rise since I’ve been here. I forgot how alive it makes me feel.
God bless.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tiempo Libre

Happy to say I'm out of my sickness and back to being the old self. Ive been taking walks lately to get some exercise in the afternoons, and even ran a couple of times but I look like the village idiot. No one here runs, unless its an emergency. In this culture, there is rarely an occasion that would warrent that kind of response. I know I haven't been as upto date with these blogs as I'd like to be. When I do get a chance on the computer its divided between answering emails, skyping the family, trying to upload my photos, and writing this blog.
The english teacher that I'm working with is sick this week (she didn't get it from me), since I'm technically not supposed to work with the kids unless the teacher is there, I'll have the next few days off. I'm contemplating a extended weekend trip to San Pedro, about a days bus ride or a 1 and a half hour flight. Price shopping looks like it would be cheaper to fly. Two other voulenteers are going up there this Thursday so I might join them. If I'm not doing that, Daniel, Holly, and I will be exploring some local caves that are part of an undrground river. There have been endless things to entertain me here. It seems as though I'm daily finding some interesting new aspect about the valley I had no idea existed.
I recieved my first letters this past weekend, thanks Ashley and Alicia. I know there are more coming, but it does take about two and a half weeks. As I said, I have had allot of free time so I'll write back soon. Thank you for your prayers. God Bless.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Too Much of it Could Get You Sick...

Glad to see followers list is growing, i it really encouraging that i have this much support. This past weekend was odd. Ive been sick with a head cold so ive been kind of out of it, its no fun being sick when youre not with you family and friends.im just getting over it, but just have that detached feeling still. Theyre haveing a festival this whole week in honor of Mother Marry, everyone gets dressed up as her and theres a parade, its like holoween but bible style. The poeple wore rediculous clothes like pirates mixed with samauri, and theres a big light up icon of the vergin that they cary in the procession. I took pictures, but this is the fourth computer now that will not allow me to uploadmyu photos, luckily i still have plenty of room on my memory card, im getting so frustrated with error code 4. you don't even know! Daniel, the now voulenteer got in two nights ago, i think were going to be good friends. there is a mountain above the valley that i think we can climb in one day.i convincedhim and the other girls were going to do it. theres a huge flag on top so i think it only propper that we leave a mark of our own. There are alot of people in town this weekend because of the parade so ive been treated alot like a tourist. I guess i kind of am. oh i completely forgot! Abbie, Louraine,(two other voulenteers) and i were on the local radio, we wereinterviewed about our experiences as teachers in the schools. it was part of english month here in Chile. God bless.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Getting Down to Buisness

Wow, i have little time for this one, im now using the computer at the Municipalidad in Paiguano. This is the only computer ive found thus far that has relatively fast internet, but unfortunately I´m not allowed to upload my pictures. It really is getting frustrating, my photos are sitting on the desktops of two computers who arenen´t fast enough to upload them... this trip is a lesson in pacience. I continually find myself in seemingly trying situations with little information and energy to wait for my ride or what ever it may be. I have made a few new friends, other voulenteers. Abbie from Michigan, Holly and Louraine form the UK, and next week a guy my age named Daniel is also coming from England. We´ve got a nice little crew started. Things have started to settle down, but each day is no less of an adventure. All the schools in the valley are putting on a concert in English and since im workig at 6 school, the teacher and I have to put together 6 songs with the kids. Unfortunately, some children are being less than cooperative. They love it when I siing the songs for them, but I haven´t gotten it through to them that I don´t need the practice. (maybe i do) America my now three month old baby sister is becoming much the center of the family. In the afternoons I sing her Regina and a couple of times she has tried to sing with me. She likes jazz too, sometimes we dance to Jaco. I´ve never seen a cuter thing. The other day when we were singing and she saw her mom and said ¨mama¨in my arms. Those were her first words and I was holding her!
I have to go, write me.
God Bless.