Monday, November 30, 2009

Another Year, Another Day

My birthday party was, well different. Barbara and Pablo set up a table in the back yard and we ate tuna sandwiches and jam made out of what I think is a type of melon. There was a bag in the frig all week that said ‘Cuidado, Christian no mira!’ (Be careful Christian, don’t look!). I couldn’t have guess that it was a cake. Chocolate with cherries, and was unlike the other cake I’ve eaten here, which is much moister. Pablo brought out rum so we all poured a little of that on our pieces to wet them down a bit.

I actually turned 19 while I was climbing in the Andes. That night Pablo was taking a couple out for what is here called ‘night trekking’ so Francisca and I tagged along. It turned out to be a grueling four hour excursion up into the mountain range above Pisco Elqui. We hiked so high above our town we couldn’t see its lights. And as we did the stars really became beautiful in the amazingly clear skies. I don’t think I’ll forget that birthday any time soon.

Things are really winding down in the schools. Tomorrow night there is an end of the year concert with all the little schools of the valley. Each performs a combination of skits or plays or songs. It’s not a competition but more a celebration of what they’ve learned all year. The themes range from Gabriela Mistral to Legends of the Valley. Ill be sure to take lots of pictures. Also America is learning to crawl. It first started with her shoving her forehead into the floor and flailing her legs. She found out she can use her hands too, so she’s pretty good at wiggling. But the more she grunts the better she gets. Oh and I've been able to post about 40 pictures to my Picasa Web Album. The website is and you'll have to search for my profile (Christian.J.E.Turner). Thats all for now, God bless.

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