Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Final Countdown

Today Daniel, Andrea (an English teacher), and I went to the river near my house called Refugio de Angel (angel’s refuge). We paid two dollars to enter a camping area that is beside a large pool maybe twenty meters wide, fifty meters long, and over a meter and a half deep. Though there were more than twenty people there it felt as if we had the place to ourselves. I took pictures of Daniel and Andrea throwing around the Frisbee and of the long bridge we crossed to get to our secluded resting area under the shade of gigantic willows. We swam, sunbathed, and played crazy eights until 6pm. I was an extremely relaxing day away from the busyness of teaching and learning Spanish; I was able to just float around and think, something I haven’t done in a log time. My hunger was really the only thing that brought us out of our “refuge” and back to Pisco to get something to eat. But today at the river will long be one of my fondest memories of Chile.
These next few days will be my last in the schools, then its off to santiago for a few days and probably a short trip to Argentina to renew my visa (I'll be 6 days over when I leave, talk about poor planning on my part). Pray that all goes smoothly in my travels and of corse for saftey as I am going my myself. Life is an adventure right? I send all my love, God bless.

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