Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Estoy aqui

Hello everyone, after an exhausting day of travel I am safely in the valley. I am writing from a computer in my host family´s house. We don´t usually have internet, but we´re ¨borrowing¨ from a local connection. The family i´m staying with is rediculously nice. For my first meal (lunch) we ate large slabs of pork with rice and last night they cooked me fresh noodles with scallops and mushrooms in a cream sauce and and a sort of large leafed lettuce with oil and vinegar. And wine, i had probably four glasses with my meals yesterday. Most of it was grown in this valley, the rest in similar places in Chile. So far, i have seen a few types of drinks: agua (water), jugo de naranga (orange juice like SunnyD), Coke, Sprite, te´(very black tea), cervesas (beer), vino (wine) and pisco (a yellow alcohol that we blended with powdered sugar, lemon juice, and ice). I am happy to say that i have not gotten sick yet, but expect it. Thats all for now. Email me at christian.j.e.turner@gmail.com if you have questions that i could answer on this blog, and i´ll get to answering them when I can . God bless.


  1. ¡Así pues, tu tienes tiempo para beber el vino y el blog pero para no llamar a tus padres! Apenas recuerdes que el alcohol debe matar bacterias intestinales unas de los… que le faltamos y que estamos tan alegres oír de tu. Love, Us

  2. Sorry, that last post was from me but I posted it from your site not mine...

    Speak to you soon.
