Wednesday, September 23, 2009

In to the Groove

Sorry its been a while, internet access is not easy to come by in the valley. Right now i am at the Cochiquaz (co-chi-waz) Primary School in the Cochiquaz Valley, neighboring Pisco Valley where I am staying. Most of the fifteen students at this school come from wealthier famlies, unlike children from the other schools in Pisco. The land here is very beautiful, very fertile, and very expensive. As a result, Cochiquaz has become the beverly hills, if you will, of the Andies Mountains. This is my third day teaching and i really have enjoied it. So far I've taught at four schools ranging from ages three to twelve. But i like the five and six year olds best because they can sit still long enough for a picture, and have an interest in colors and shapes (my level of teaching). The other teachers and I do have alot of problems disiplining the children. Many think its ok to talk during a lesson, eat candy, get up and leave the class, wrestle on the floor, or pretend they don´t understand your questions to stall the lesson. Its exhausting but rewarding, kids will be kids i guess.
I forgot to bring the cabel that connects my camera to the computer (I know right?) so i havent been able to upload any of my 200 pictures yet, but im looking for one, and as soon as i can get one from home or here, ill post them all to Picasa.

Yesterday I learned that i can recieve mail here, it takes about 3 weeks, but its better than nothing. Our address is:
Barbra Tamblay
Pisco Elqui s/n
Paihuano, Chile

Thats it...I know, I still doubt it too. Life is simpler here.
God bless.


  1. You are amazing... I love you

  2. May the Lord continue to bless you as you serve Him. Young kids need Godly men in their lives, glad you enjoy the young ones. Praying for you as the Lord lays you on my heart. Wanda

  3. you're it. check your email. your dad just confirmed with me that he was sending you the right cord. he'll probably send it sometime this week. can't wait to see some pics. praying for you.

  4. a letter's on its way. love you, miss you.

  5. Buenos Dias....
    I sent the camara cord to you. Hopefully it takes less than 3 weeks to get there!
    We love you.

  6. Trust in the Slow Work of God
    by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

    Above all, trust in the slow work of God.

    We are quite naturally impatient in everything
    to reach the end without delay.

    We should like to skip the intermediate stages.

    We are impatient of being on the way
    to something unknown,
    something new.

    Yet it is the law of all progress that is made
    by passing through some stages of instability
    and that may take a very long time.

    And so I think it is with you.

    Your ideas mature gradually. Let them grow.

    Let them shape themselves without undue haste.

    Do not try to force them on
    as though you could be today what time
    -- that is to say, grace --
    and circumstances
    acting on your own good will
    will make you tomorrow.

    Only God could say what this new Spirit
    gradually forming in you will be.

    Give our Lord the benefit of believing
    that his hand is leading you,
    and accept the anxiety of feeling yourself
    in suspense and incomplete.

    Above all, trust in the slow work of God,
    our loving vine-dresser.
